Politics done correctly is one 
of the highest forms of public 
service and an act of worship

Who am I?

My name is Iqbal Hussain Mohamed. 

I'm a proud Dewsbury-born and raised local resident who attended Westborough High School, Huddersfield New College, and Durham University.

I have over 30 years of professional experience in manufacturing and electrical engineering, regulatory compliance, quality, and business and technology management consultancy.

Throughout my career, I have worked across the UK and in over 15 countries in Europe and around the world. I have helped deliver multi-million programmes and projects in the chemicals,
pharmaceutical, food, manufacturing, and healthcare industries, including the NHS. 

My extensive experience has equipped me with the skills to drive innovation and efficiency, ensuring transformative results in every project I undertake. Community and Charity Work.

Since the late 90s, I have been actively involved in charity and community work both in the UK and abroad. Some of my contributions include:

● Former trustee of a UK registered charity working on education and poverty relief projects.
● Supporting the building and running of two schools and a hospital in India.
● Former Chair of Governors at Westborough High School

Vision and Commitment

Our community selected me to stand as your independent candidate for the newly formed Dewsbury and Batley constituency because of my principled values, strong commitment to our community, and professional experience.

As an independent candidate, I will listen to local people and not political party agendas. I will work for our community and country without fear, favour, corruption, or self-interest.

Key Focus Areas:
● Ceasefire and Peace Agreement in Gaza: Fighting for a ceasefire and a two-state peace agreement.
● Cost-of-Living Crisis: Tackling the cost-of-living crisis to support struggling families.
● Healthcare: Fighting to save the NHS and Dewsbury Hospital.
● Essential Services: Securing funding for all essential services.
● Town Regeneration: Revitalizing our towns and making our streets safer.

Call to Action

Politics done correctly is one of the highest forms of public service and an act of worship. 

As your MP, I will work tirelessly with honesty, integrity, transparency, and accountability in Parliament. 

I will fight for policies that prioritise the needs and well-being of every resident, regardless of their background and circumstances.

If elected, I will aim to be the most accessible, approachable, and hardest-working MP in Parliament, putting working people and the youth first in Dewsbury and Batley. 

Vote for me to be the voice of Dewsbury and Batley, your voice in Parliament, and bring meaningful positive change to all our communities.

MOHAMED, Iqbal Hussain is ready to be the change our community needs. 

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